SEEING GEOMETRY: Photographic Perspectives

SEEING GEOMETRY is about geometric shapes in photographs --- lines, triangles, circles, ovals, squares, cones, parallel lines, cylinders, hexagons, etc. This collection of images has been curated with a lens less on the photographic subject and more on the shapes present within the frame.  Take a look at the subject of the photograph and then look beyond --- shapes will emerge.

Bikes, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Bikes, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Sculpted Tree, Paris, France
Sculpted Tree, Paris, France
Conservatory Door, Ottawa, ON
Conservatory Door, Ottawa, ON
Canadian Museum for Human Rights
Canadian Museum for Human Rights
Deutsche Bank, Frankfurt, Germany
Deutsche Bank, Frankfurt, Germany
Farm in the City, Ottawa. ON
Farm in the City, Ottawa. ON
People's Assembly Hall, Chongquin, China
People's Assembly Hall, Chongquin, China
The Guggenheim, NYC, USA
The Guggenheim, NYC, USA
La Playa, Naples, USA
La Playa, Naples, USA
Library Eye, Cambridge, ON
Library Eye, Cambridge, ON
Lyn Theatre, Fort-Colonge, PQ
Lyn Theatre, Fort-Colonge, PQ
Martello Tower, Kingston, ON
Martello Tower, Kingston, ON
Geometric Patterns, Nanjing, China
Geometric Patterns, Nanjing, China
Oculus, NYC, USA
Oculus, NYC, USA
Public Rust, Ottawa, ON
Public Rust, Ottawa, ON
Form & Function, Ottawa, ON
Form & Function, Ottawa, ON
Switches, Stockholm, Sweden
Switches, Stockholm, Sweden
The Bean, Chicago, USA
The Bean, Chicago, USA
Truck Face, Ottawa, ON
Truck Face, Ottawa, ON
Tuning Fork in the Sky, Reykjavik, Iceland
Tuning Fork in the Sky, Reykjavik, Iceland
Versailles, France
Versailles, France
White Church, St. Martins, NB
White Church, St. Martins, NB

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